Sunday, March 13, 2011

Math and Phonics

I have to say that the kids and I are loving Singapore math and Explode the Code phonics. The two workbooks make my life easier because they require no planning. I can sit down with the kids and we do as much or as little as they want.

My dog's head is on my keyboard right now by the way.

I told Maeve today that she needed to write in all lower case letters in her Explode the Code book. I explained when a capital letter is appropriate to use and said that she'd be able to write amazing things if she started using some lower case letters. Maeve has always claimed to HATE lower case letters and has refused to use them.....until today!

My dog is now breathing on my hands. She's grossing me out.

Maeve used all lower case letters like she was instructed and she made me a flower picture using "Maeve language". Maeve language is when Maeve writes her name correctly, as in a capital M and the rest lower case. She was very proud of herself. I promised to teach her cursive as soon as she is good at lower case letters so I think she is very motivated. Maeve loves making things look fancy.

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