Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Fun School, Week 8

The kids did a lot of math this week.

Maeve worked on mental math and adding big numbers (84 + 27 for example). She did great! Drilling  her on problems has helped a ton. She had very few backwards numbers this week. Overall, lots of improvement in math.

I worked with Finn on division, but he's not getting it. I know he can figure it out so we'll use manipulatives next time he's ready work.

We learned about lungs this week and continued to learn more about amphibians.

Finn finished his Explode the Code book and is ready for ETC 1.

We did some Halloween crafting and it was well received. I bought a bunch of q-tips and had the kids use them to put dots leaves on trees. Finn went crazy and painted for hours. He painted quite a few happy walnuts too, which I think is sweet and funny.

We also made a banner that says "boo". It's cute and hanging it meant that the other Halloween stuff needed to come out. So it did and Maeve was very proud of her decorating skills.

Maeve found two frog books at a garage sale and read them on the way home. She reads a lot these days. I'm going to introduce her to chapter books soon and see if she's interested. I've been trying to read Little House in the Big Woods at bedtime, but the boys have been nutso. I'm hoping to pick that back up next week.

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