Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Back to Basics

In 2008 I wrote this entry:

Five years from now I hope to be living on an acreage. I want chickens, an orchard, a beehive, a massive garden and a compost bin. I want my children to be able to explore the world around them and have a deep respect for nature. I want them to know where their food comes from and how it grows. I want to teach them lost arts like sewing and baking bread from scratch.  My kids will be proud to wear secondhand clothes and to do their part to reuse and recycle. They will be confident, respectful, reflective, inquisitive and compassionate children.

It's now seven years later and we live in the same house, have chickens, an orchard, three beehives, a massive garden, and a compost bin. My kids love nature, know where their food comes from and can tell you how it grows. My daughter enjoys sewing and I usually have a helper in the kitchen. All of my kids rock second hand clothes and they recycle. Each child is confident, respectful, reflective, inquisitive, and compassionate. How's that for meeting goals?!

I am content with where we are and while I would someday love to have more land than our half acre, we have enough. We have fruit, vegetables, honey, eggs, and loads of herbs to heal many ailments. I started making soap last year and hope to turn it into a business. We almost have our own basketball team and our marriage is good. I am grateful for all that I have and hope this year will be full of joy as I watch my family continue to grow.

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