Thursday, March 23, 2017


So. Life.

There was a lot of screaming in my house today. Mostly from the kids. We're stuck in this awful weather pattern where it's nice for two or three days and then cold, sucky, and on the verge of raining. The shift in barometric pressure is wrecking havoc on my household. Sigh.

Clementine has been exercising her voice. Her newest, and most annoying phrase, is "I DO!" She wants and insists on doing everything except that she can't. I may or may not have shut myself in the bathroom for a bit today.

I'm trying to figure out a good rhythm for homeschooling. I think the answer is that there is not good rhythm with a toddler in the house. I have three night owls and two morning kids which makes for interesting days. For awhile I told the kids that all school work and chores needed to be completed before noon, but we don't even finish eating breakfast until 10:30 so everyone was ending up stressed and grumpy. My new plan is to do group work after breakfast, then work with my morning kids, and the night owls have until bedtime to finish their work. We'll see how it goes.

I started another homeschooling group and am excited about it. The group is up to maybe 80 people now and I've got fun things planned through May. I could plan out the rest of the summer, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. I love planning and when people are happy about it, I am happy and motivated to keep going. I'm hopeful this will be a positive group for my kids and that they make new friends.

I am on top of gardening this year. I have almost finished adding four raised beds. I have planted kale, spinach, lettuce, radishes, and peas. I'm not sure about the radishes because they were subjected to Clementine's "I DO!" and for some reason I don't think they'll grow in a clump. I accidentally bought a Bartlett pear tree when the kids and I went to Walmart for a furnace filter. If I push it, I can probably squeeze in two more trees, but I'm not so sure I need anything. Maybe sweet cherries.

I'm scaling back on tomatoes this year and planting potatoes in hills in my big garden instead of in the potato planters. Ok, when I say "scaling back" what I mean it that I don't know how to scale back, but I have 30 tomatoes that I just transplanted into bigger containers, except I double planted so I have 60 tomatoes. It's still fewer than 70 from last year. I am pumped about growing a lot of potatoes. We eat a lot of potatoes. I need a root cellar.

Maeve is a sewing genius. I'm not kidding. She has an amazing ability to see patterns and translate them into whatever she wants. Her current project is a velociraptor. She sketched it in pieces on regular paper, made a pattern, and fit all of the pattern pieces perfectly onto her fabric. She's making toe claws and everything. This dinosaur is going to be as big as Finnegan. I'll post pictures when she's done.

Exercising is going great. There are days I miss a workout, but I feel good. I'm not sure if I've lost any weight because I don't own a scale. I have biceps again and am gaining muscle in my legs and abs. I have no idea of I'll lost 30 lbs by June and I honestly don't care too much. Exercising is a way for me to feel good about myself. A nice butt is certainly a bonus, but I've always have one of those. Ha, yes I just said that.

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